Earth From Other Bodies
Scripts showing what Earth & other planets will look like from other planets in the solar system. 7 Scripts in all.
7 Files
1) earth_1.ssc: Earth Best View from other bodies of the 21st Century
2) earth_2.ssc: Earth - Events from Mercury
3) earth_3.ssc: Earth - Events from Venus
4) earth_4.ssc: Earth Events from Mars
5) earth_5.ssc: Earth and other planets Greatest Elongations and Oppositions from Mars
6) earth_6.ssc: Earth and Mars Greatest Elongations and Transits from Callisto
7) earth_7.ssc: Earth and other planets Greatest Elongations and Oppositions from Ceres
New in Version 12.0
Date 8/28/2022
* Works with Stellarium 0.22.2
* For some reason key presses in Earth_1.ssc stopped working. Fixed.
* Rotation of Ceres changed in Stellarium, updated longitudes.
New in Version 11.0
Date 2/28/2021
* Works with Stellarium 0.20.2
* Changed keys in Earth_1.ssc to avoid different day times issues using date keys on the different planets
* Added Eris and Sedna to Earth_1.ssc
* Removed redundant / duplicate object information from scripts.
New in Version 10.0
Date 9/24/17
* Works with Stellarium 0.16.1, if you are using a previous version of Stellarium download the relevant previous version of these scripts below
* Stellarium changed the name of the Asteroid Ceres, from "Ceres" to "(1) Ceres", the scripts in version 10 have updated to match name change.
New in Version 9.0
Date 9/17/2017
* Works with Stellarium 0.16.0, if you are using a previous version of Stellarium download the previous version of these scripts below
* Longitudes changed again in Stellarium, updated relevant scripts to match
New in Version 8.0
Date 2/7/2016
* Again Callisto longitudes in the earth_6.ssc had to be fixed. They should be correct now.
* Added the best Earth view from the moon back to earth_1.ssc .
New in Version 7.0
Date 10/1/2015
* Updated Callisto longitudes in the earth_6.ssc script. The Longitudes were placed wrong on Callisto in Stellarium. This will be fixed in Stellarium 0.14.0.
If you are using versions 0.12.0 - 0.13.3 of Stellarium and want the updates in version 6.1 of the script, download 6.1 below.
New in Version 6.1
Note: Version 6.0 of these scripts come already bundled with Stellarium since version 0.12.4. Version 6.1 is an update. If you download it, replace the files in your script folder
Date 12/7/2014
* Added earth_7.ssc, Earth and other planets Greatest Elongations and Oppositions from Ceres
* Added Venus and Earth conjunctions to earth_2.ssc Earth events from Mercury
* Added Jupiter and Saturn Oppositions to earth_5.ssc Earth and Venus from Mars
New in Version 6.0
Date 6/25/14
Note: Version 6.0 is designed to work with Stellarium Versions 0.12.4 or later.
* Earth 6, moved script from Jupiter to Callisto and added transits.
Why Callisto? Well of the 4 Galilean Satellites, Callisto is the only one outside of Jupiter's radiation belt. Therefore, if humans ever colonize Jupiter's moons, Callisto will be the one.
* Distinguished Transits from Inferior Conjunctions in Earth 4 script
New in version 5.1
Date 6/29/2013
Stellarium 0.12.1
Note: Version 5.1 and 5.0 are designed to work with Stellarium Versions 0.12.1 or later. If you are using the previous version 0.10.1 - 0.11.4 then the scripts will not work right, so download one of the older versions below. If you are using version 0.12.0 the scripts also won't work right, there was a bug in that version that caused an incorrect calculation in solar days which messes up moving from event to event.
In the last Stellarium Version 0.11.4, 0.12.0 and 0.12.1 for Windows 64Bit there is a bug in the scripting engine that causes many of these scripts to run slowly. See here for details. The 32 bit version is OK.
1) Return the Earth from others script (earth_1.ssc). Due to changes in Solar day calculations & Jupiter's rotation in version 0.12.0 and 0.12.1 the version of this script that comes with Stellarium no longer works. The one will work with the changes in 0.12.0 and 0.12.1, though the closest Earth from the Moon had to be removed.
2) Updated longitude in the Earth - Greatest Elongations from Jupiter.ssc so it works with the above changes in 0.12.0
3) Fixed Earth's greatest elongations from Mars. Unfortunately in previous versions the dates were wrong but they are finally right now.
4) Added light travel times.
5) Added combined magnitude for earth & moon. The moon only adds about 0.02 to the earth so I'll probably remove this in future versions
New in version 5.0
Date: 5/19/2013
Stellarium 0.12.1
1) Updated all scripts to work with versions 0.12.1 and later
2) Updated Earth Oppositions from Venus to Earth Events from Venus. So instead of just Oppositions there are now more events as seen from Venus like Greatest moon Elongation, Start and Stop and Regain Retrograde motion, CoQuadratures, Quadratures, Superior Conjunctions and conjunctions with planets and bright stars.
3) Updated Earth Oppositions from Mercury to Earth Events from Mercury. So instead of just Oppositions, also included is closest approaches. More events to come in later versions.
4) Updated Earth Events from Mars to include Top & Bottom of Zodiac and equator crossings. Fixed degree sign
5) Fixed Degree sign in Venus & Earth Greatest Elongations script. New Title screen
6) Removed Earth best views from others script. It now comes with Stellarium, so no need to repeat here.
New in version 4.0
Date: 6/4/2012
Stellarium 11.3
1) Added - Earth Events from Mars file. This script will display Earth events as seen from Mars like Greatest Elongations, Greatest Brilliancies, Start and Stop Retrograde, CoQuadratures, Superior and Inferior Conjunctions and conjunctions with planets and bright stars.
2) Added Venus Greatest elongations to the "Earth - Greatest Elongations from Mars.ssc" script
3) Added Mars Greatest Elongations to "Earth - Greatest Elongations from Jupiter.ssc" script
New in version 3.1
Date: 1/06/2012
Stellarium 11.1
1) Fixed typo in Jupiter Script
New in version 3
Date: 1/17/2011
Stellarium 10.6
1) Greatest Brilliancies from Mars.
2) Screen Saver Mode
3) Magnitude, Phase, Moon calculations
4) More Menu choices
Previous Versions
Version 11 | Stellarium 0.20.2 | Download | |
Version 10 | Stellarium 0.16.1 | Download | |
Version 9.0 | Stellarium 0.16 | Download | |
Version 8.0 | Stellarium 0.14.3 | Download | |
Version 7.0 | Stellarium 0.14.0 | Download | errr no |
Version 6.1 | Stellarium 0.12.4 | Download | |
Version 5.1 | Stellarium 0.12.1 | Download | |
Version 4.0 | Stellarium 0.11.3 | Download | |
Version 3.1 | Stellarium 0.11.1 | Download | |
Version 2.0 | Stellarium 0.10.5 | Download | Elongation calculations and Mars dates are wrong |
Version 1.0 | Stellarium 0.9 | Download | No FAQ |