
Scripts show oppositions of Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto.

These scripts will be obsolete once the events scripts is complete. As such no new versions will be updated.

Current Version 2.0        

Date: 4/12/2010

Stellarium 10.4

11 Files

Oppos - All upcoming oppositions.ssc

Oppos - Mars All.ssc
Oppos - Mars with Jupiter and Saturn Nearby.ssc

Oppos -Jupiter All.ssc
Oppos - Jupiter Best.ssc

Oppos - Saturn All.ssc
Oppos - Saturn Best Ring Perihelions only.ssc
Oppos - Saturn Best Ring Aphelions and Perihelions.ssc

Oppos - Uranus All.ssc

Oppos - Neptune All.ssc

Oppos - Pluto All.ssc


Previous Versions

Version 1.0 Stellarium 9 Download No FAQ